Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

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This combination rhetoric/reader helps readers develop strategies for critical reading, critical thinking, research, and writing that will help the reader argue clearly and convincingly. It teaches them to identify and develop arguments, to read and form reactions and opinions of their own, to analyze an audience, to seek common ground, and to use a wide, realistic range of techniques to write argument papers that express their individual views and original perspectives on modern issues.


0321845986 / 9780321845986 Perspectives on Argument with NEW MyCompLab Student Access Card 7/e 

Package consists of:   

0205060331 / 9780205060337 Perspectives on Argument

020589190X / 9780205891900 NEW MyCompLab - Access Card


  • Sales Rank: #1530866 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Longman
  • Published on: 2012-05-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.10" h x .90" w x 7.30" l, 2.05 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 704 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

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This book taught me how to write better
By Renzo A. Meza
This book offers plenty of techniques on how to improve your writing. Best of all, its easy to understand. I keep it near my desk all the time.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Top quality book
By BrankoO
this is an interesting book, fulfilled with many applicable examples and significant information for people, who want to improve their writing and persuading skills.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good book
By air max
The book had great examples in it. It was very helpful for the class. It also had current topics in which to base a paper on.

See all 42 customer reviews...

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Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Main Version Plus MasteringA&P with eText -- Access Card Package (10th Edition), by Elaine N

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Featuring extensive new instructor support materials for easier quizzing in the lab, this best-selling laboratory manual provides a wide variety of exercises and activities designed to meet the needs of any 2-semester anatomy & physiology laboratory course. Known for its thorough, clearly-written exercises, full-color art, and integrated tear-out review sheets, this lab manual gives students a complete hands-on laboratory and learning experience inside and outside of the lab. The new edition has been fully revised with even more accessible language and more than 50 new and improved cadaver and histology photos. It also features engaging new Group Challenge activities that encourage a more active learning experience in the lab.


Intended for use with any A&P textbook, the lab manual is available in customized editions as well as in three conventional versions: Main (Tenth Edition), Cat (Eleventh Edition), and Fetal Pig (Eleventh Edition).


  • Sales Rank: #115325 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-02-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.80" h x .50" w x 9.40" l, 4.15 pounds
  • Binding: Spiral-bound
  • 912 pages

About the Author

For Elaine N. Marieb, taking the student’s perspective into account has always been an integral part of her teaching style. Dr. Marieb began her teaching career at Springfield College, where she taught anatomy and physiology to physical education majors. She then joined the faculty of the Biological Science Division of Holyoke Community College in 1969 after receiving her Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. While teaching at Holyoke Community College, where many of her students were pursuing nursing degrees, she developed a desire to better understand the relationship between the scientific study of the human body and the clinical aspects of the nursing practice. To that end, while continuing to teach full time, Dr. Marieb pursued her nursing education, which culminated in a Master of Science degree with a clinical specialization in gerontology from the University of Massachusetts. It is this experience that has informed the development of the unique perspective and accessibility for which her publications are known.

Dr. Marieb has partnered with Benjamin Cummings for over 30 years. Her first work was Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual (Cat Version), which came out in 1981. In the years since, several other lab manual versions and study guides, as well as the softcover Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology textbook, have hit the campus bookstores. This textbook, now in its Ninth edition, made its appearance in 1989 and is the latest expression of her commitment to the needs of students studying human anatomy and physiology.

Dr. Marieb has given generously to provide opportunities for students to further their education. She contributes to the New Directions, New Careers Program at Holyoke Community College by funding a staffed drop-in center and by providing several full-tuition scholarships each year for women who are returning to college after a hiatus or attending college for the first time and who would be unable to continue their studies without financial support. She funds the E. N. Marieb Science Research Awards at Mount Holyoke College, which promotes research by undergraduate science majors, and has underwritten renovation and updating of one of the biology labs in Clapp Laboratory at that college. Dr. Marieb also contributes to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where she generously provided funding for reconstruction and instrumentation of a cutting-edge cytology research laboratory. Recognizing the severe national shortage of nursing faculty, she underwrites the Nursing Scholars of the Future Grant Program at the university.

In 1994, Dr. Marieb received the Benefactor Award from the National Council for Resource Development, American Association of Community Colleges, which recognizes her ongoing sponsorship of student scholarships, faculty teaching awards, and other academic contributions to Holyoke Community College. In May 2000, the science building at Holyoke Community College was named in her honor.

In January 2012, Florida Gulf Coast University named a new health professions facility “Dr. Elaine Nicpon Marieb Hall.” With the help of Dr. Marieb’s generous donation, this facility contains laboratories in the School of Nursing that simulate an operating room, intensive-care unit, a labor and delivery room, and general medical surgical suites. She has also established a scholarship endowment for non-traditional students in the health professions, and an endowment to enhance the activities of faculty, students, and staff within health professions to support education, research, and community outreach.

Dr. Marieb is an active member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Additionally, while actively engaged as an author, Dr. Marieb serves as a consultant for the Benjamin Cummings Interactive Physiology ® CD-ROM series.

When not involved in academic pursuits, Dr. Marieb is a world traveler and has vowed to visit every country on this planet. Shorter term, she serves on the scholarship committee of the Women’s Resources Center and on the board of directors of several charitable institutions in Sarasota County. She is an enthusiastic supporter of the local arts and enjoys a competitive match of doubles tennis.


Susan J. Mitchell earned her Ph.D. in physiology from the University of Michigan. She studied the cellular basis of behavior before joining the faculty at Onondaga Community College where she is currently a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. Her research in neurophysiology and training in physiology positioned her to write the original Nervous, Endocrine, and Digestive System modules in the Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite tutorial program. She has been honored with a NISOD Excellence Award for teaching, and been awarded several grants to develop technological resources for biology at OCC. Dr. Mitchell is a member of the American Physiological Society, National Association of Biology Teachers, National Science Teachers Association, and the Human Anatomy and Physiological Society (HAPS), where she is currently active on the Curriculum and Instruction Committee.


Lori A. Smith received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of California at Davis. Before discovering her passion for teaching, she worked as a research scientist and project leader in the medical diagnostics industry. In 1999, she joined the faculty at American River College in the Biology Department.  Currently she teaches anatomy and physiology and microbiology to pre-nursing and mortuary science students at American River College. Starting in 2005, she began co-authoring Pearson’s PhysioEx: Laboratory Simulations in Physiology and has continued to co-author several versions of the software and lab manual. Dr. Smith has been awarded “Instructor of the Year” by the American River College Associated Students for her commitment to serving students, and she is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) and the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT).


Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Eric
Despite being the correct ISBN, the ACCESS CODE provided did not work with the Course ID provided by my instructor. Pearson Technical Support told me to return the book to Amazon and order through them next time instead of a 3rd party. They refused to resolve the situation even though I could provide a receipt. I recommend you purchase this book through your university bookstore, or even better, tell your professor not to use this overpriced doorstop as Pearson will not provide you with support.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Much cheaper than the college bookstore
By Matt's Mom
College bookstore wanted double the price - thanks Amazon! Quick shipping and included the Mastering A&P access card. This chapters in this edition are arranged differently from the previous edition, so it was a little confusing at first with the lab instructor using the previous edition, but it's easy to figure out the differences.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great instructions, easy to follow!
By howel123
I am very pleased that my lab instructor chose this manual to use for my college Anatomy class. The pictures, descriptions and information provided for the activities/lab exercises were very detailed and informative. I even studied this manual more than my textbook for class because of the picture and chart varieties.

See all 24 customer reviews...

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Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

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Student's Solutions Manual (standalone) for College Algebra Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, by Michael Sullivan, Michael Sullivan III

Book annotation not available for this title.
Title: College Algebra: Enhanced With Graphing Utilities
Author: Sullivan, Michael/ Sullivan, Michael, III
Publisher: Pearson College Div
Publication Date: 2012/03/15
Number of Pages: 578
Binding Type: PAPERBACK
Library of Congress:

  • Sales Rank: #844722 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Pearson
  • Published on: 2012-03-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x 1.20" w x 8.40" l, 2.55 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 550 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

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MasteringGeology with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology (11th Edition), by Edward

ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. 


The Mastering platform is the most effective and widely used tutorial, homework and assessment system for the sciences, and is now available in geography. MasteringGeology helps instructors maximize class time with customizable, easy-to-assign, and automatically graded assessments that motivate students to learn outside of class and arrive prepared for lecture. These assessments can easily be customized and personalized for an instructor’s individual teaching style. The powerful gradebook provides unique insight into student and class performance even before the first test. As a result, instructors can spend class time where students need it most. The Mastering system empowers students to take charge of their learning through activities aimed at different learning styles, and engages them in learning science through practice and step-by-step guidance.


This includes all of the resources of MasteringGeology in addition to Pearson eText content.

  • Sales Rank: #1166999 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Prentice Hall
  • Published on: 2013-01-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x .5" w x 6.50" l, .15 pounds
  • Binding: Printed Access Code
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Tarbuck-Illinois Central College

Lutgens-Illinois Central College

Tasa-Tasa Graphic Arts, Inc.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Don't buy this if it's for a class.
By Joshua R.
I wasted my money buying this because it will not allow me to sign up with my class. I called their customer service (register.pearsoncmg.com, not Amazon because you can't talk to people with Amazon or get a refund, or exchange), and they said the modified version doesn't allow you to connect to classes... Basically a waste of $75. Buy directly from your school, not Amazon.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Same experience as the other review. This did not ...
By Wes
Same experience as the other review. This did not give me access to the textbook or the online material. It was not compatible with my course in any way. Pearson said there was nothing they could do because Amazon is the seller. Called Amazon and they were not much help either. After over a half hour on the phone with Amazon I finally just got a refund. Do yourself a favor and either buy it through the school or directly from Pearson to save yourself a huge headache and a ton of time.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

* Ebook Download The Cosmic Perspective (7th Edition), by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit

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The Cosmic Perspective (7th Edition), by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit

The Cosmic Perspective (7th Edition), by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit

The Cosmic Perspective (7th Edition), by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit

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The Cosmic Perspective (7th Edition), by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit

NOTE: This ISBN is a Standalone Book. The Item does not include Access code

Building on a long tradition of effective pedagogy and comprehensive coverage, The Cosmic Perspective, Seventh Edition provides a thoroughly engaging and up-to-date introduction to astronomy for non-science majors. The text provides a wealth of features that enhance skill-building, including new group work exercises that help you retain concepts longer and build communication skills for the future. The Seventh Edition has also been fully updated to include the latest astronomical observations, results from recent space missions, research, and theoretical developments that inform our understanding of the early universe.


Two volumes of this text are also available:

  • The Cosmic Perspective: The Solar System, Seventh Edition (includes Chapters 1—13, 24)
  • The Cosmic Perspective: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology, Seventh Edition (includes Chapters 1—6,  S2—S4, 14—24)


  • Sales Rank: #9734 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-01-14
  • Format: Abridged
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.80" h x 1.20" w x 8.40" l, 3.65 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 832 pages

About the Author
Jeffrey Bennett
Jeffrey Bennett holds a B.A. (1981) in biophysics from the University of California, San Diego, and an M.S. and Ph.D. (1987) in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He has taught at every level from preschool through graduate school, including more than 50 college classes in astronomy, physics, mathematics, and education. He served 2 years as a visiting senior scientist at NASA headquarters, where he created NASA’s “IDEAS” program, started a program to fly teachers aboard NASA’s airborne observatories (including SOFIA), and worked on numerous educational programs for the Hubble Space Telescope and other space science missions. He also proposed the idea for and helped develop both the Colorado Scale Model Solar System on the CU-Boulder campus and the Voyage Scale Model Solar System on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. In addition to this astronomy textbook, he is also lead author of college-level textbooks in astrobiology, mathematics, and statistics (all from Pearson); of critically acclaimed two books for the general public including , On the Cosmic Horizon (Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2001) and Beyond UFOs (Princeton University Press, 2008/2011) and Math for Life (Roberts & Co, 2012); and an of the award-winning series of children’s books that includes Max Goes to the Moon, Max Goes to Mars, Max Goes to Jupiter, and Max’s Ice Age AdventureThe Wizard Who Saved the World. When not working, he enjoys participating in masters swimming and in the daily adventures of life with his wife, Lisa; his children, Grant and Brooke; and his dog, Cosmo. His personal Web site is www.jeffreybennett.com.


Megan Donahue
Megan Donahue is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University. Her current research is mainly about using X-ray, UV, infrared, and visible light to study clusters of galaxies: their contents–dark matter, hot gas, galaxies, active galactic nuclei–and what they reveal about the contents of the universe and how galaxies form and evolve. She grew up on a farm in Nebraska and received an S.B.. in physics from MIT, where she began her research career as an X-ray astronomer. She has a Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Colorado. Her Ph.D. thesis on theory and optical observations of intergalactic and intracluster gas won the 1993 Trumpler Award from the Astronomical Society for the Pacific for an outstanding astrophysics doctoral dissertation in North America. She continued postdoctoral research as a Carnegie Fellow at Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, California, and later as an STScI Institute Fellow at Space Telescope. Megan was a staff astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute until 2003, when she joined the MSU faculty. Megan is married to Mark Voit, and they collaborate on many projects, including this textbook and the raising of their children, Michaela, Sebastian, and Angela. Between the births of Sebastian and Angela, Megan qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon. These days, Megan runs trails, orienteers, and plays piano and bass guitar whenever her children allow it.
Nicholas Schneider
Nicholas Schneider is an associate professor in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences at the University of Colorado and a researcher in the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. He received his B.A. in physics and astronomy from Dartmouth College in 1979 and his Ph.D. in planetary science from the University of Arizona in 1988. In 1991, he received the National Science Foundation’s Presidential Young Investigator Award. His research interests include planetary atmospheres and planetary astronomy, with a focus on the odd case of Jupiter’s moon Io. He enjoys teaching at all levels and is active in efforts to improve undergraduate astronomy education. Off the job, he enjoys exploring the outdoors with his family and figuring out how things work.
Mark Voit
Mark Voit is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University. He earned his A.B. in astrophysical sciences at Princeton University and his Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in 1990. He continued his studies at the California Institute of Technology, where he was a research fellow in theoretical astrophysics, and then moved on to Johns Hopkins University as a Hubble Fellow. Before going to Michigan State, Mark worked in the Office of Public Outreach at the Space Telescope, where he developed museum exhibitions about the Hubble Space Telescope and helped design NASA’s award-winning HubbleSite. His research interests range from interstellar processes in our own galaxy to the clustering of galaxies in the early universe. He is married to coauthor Megan Donahue, and cooks terrific meals for her and their three children. Mark likes getting outdoors whenever possible and particularly enjoys running, mountain biking, canoeing, orienteering, and adventure racing. He is also author of the popular book Hubble Space Telescope: New Views of the Universe.

Most helpful customer reviews

32 of 36 people found the following review helpful.
Not very clear on what you get with the book.
By Lokana
I purchased this book as it was required for my class. I also required the access code to the Mastering Astronomy website. As best I can tell, this access code only comes comes with it when you order the format "Paperback, January 6, 2011". I had assumed that if buying new, all of them would come with the code and I wasn't clear on what the difference is. The only way I figured out that the higher priced one comes with the access code is that it shows up in the title after you select that format. I didn't find this out until realizing the format I ordered didn't come with it and looked at the different formats to find out why. The formats really should have been labeled more clearly, like "Paperback, with access codes" rather than an unclear "Paperback, January 6, 2011". Honestly I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean.

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
This book is likely to become the standard by
By John Public
which all non-science astronomy books will be measured. It has everything in it, and it's all explained in a straightforward way. Lots of color photos, pictures, and diagrams. There is a lot of material here. you don't HAVE to read it all, but you will probably want to. It's infectious. Several other amateur astronomers I work with have independently come to the same conclusion. We recommend this book first to all our students who show a strong desire to learn the subject.

You might not need the latest version. All it does is give you updates on what has happened in the field over the last few years, which you can find on the internet. You have a choice. You can get the latest version for $80 or a version a few years older that is 98% the same for $5.

16 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
The Most Exceptional Textbook This Side of the Galaxy!
By Arthur Blenheim
I love this book! I don't even read text books very often, but this one is one of the most fun text books I've ever read--the fourth edition of "The Essential Cosmic Perspective." Perhaps I say this because I like Astronomy. I've never taken the course before, so this is really the only college text book in this subject I've looked at. Still, everything in here is interesting.

It has been updated with the most recent expansions with two notable points. It contains the most recent alterations of language by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Did you know that Pluto isn't a planet? It's actually a comet! In August of 2006, the IAU changed the definition of planet to account for the differences of the planet Pluto, an object whose composition recently discovered is essentially the same as a comet from the belt of comets just outside of the Solar system: called "the Kuiper belt (pronounced like "viper," but with a K. In 2006, the IAU changed the designation of Pluto to a new category of Solar body: the dwarf planet.

Dwarf planets are not planets, as the definition of a planet now has a finer meaning, changed by the IAU. Planet designations are based on composition and size: the inner four planets--Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars--are referred to as "terrestrial planets," because their compositions are made up mostly of metal and rock, they're all about the same size, and they have two moons or less. Asteroids also have the composition of rock and metal, and so the belt of asteroids lying just outside of Mars gives an interesting connotation about our system which I will explain soon. Then, the four outer planets--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune--are called "Jovian planets," meaning "Jupiter-like," because their compositions are mostly gaseous, and because of their sizes: "gas giants." These Jovian, gas giants are several times the mass and diameter of the terrestrial planets, and so their sizes make them considerable to the system. What sets these solar bodies apart the most is THE WAY THEY WERE FORMED which accounts for their composition differences, and therefore the asteroid belt is the boundary line between the inner-terrestrial and outer-Jovian planets of the Solar system.

Every Solar body with an orbit on a somewhat-similar elliptical plane and beyond Neptune is a comet of the Kuiper belt. Although Uranus and Neptune also have essentially a similar gaseous composition as comets like Pluto, the main difference is Pluto has a radius of about 1000 kilometers. Anything that small is considered to be a comet, and, because the comets of the Kuiper belt are usually very small, Pluto resembles them more than a planet, as it is much smaller than even Earth's Moon. Pluto's mass is about 18 percent that of the Moon.

Remember the tenth planet, "Planet X?" Planet X, the tenth planet, was known as "Planet X" because scientists thought that, because it was so small and had the composition of a comet, that these were fundamental differences between comets and planets of the solar system. They felt that, if every newly-discovered comet of the Kuiper belt orbiting the Sun could be called a planet because it revolved around the Sun, our new computerized telescopes would be discovering planets quite frequently; comets, no matter how small they are, would be called "planets," by old definitions. That's why these new definitions are in place now. Pluto has enjoyed the stature of a planet for about 75 years since its discovery, but now that designation is over.

Additionally, the Jovian worlds are known for their multiple moons. Pluto has a moon, but, because its center-of-gravity lies outside of its moon Charon, both Pluto and Charon should actually be referred to as "binary planets," or more correctly "binary dwarf planets" by IAU's new definition--or rather a "binary system of dwarf planets." A planet and a dwarf planet are separate categories of solar bodies and not the same.

Incidentally, speaking of the Moon, the Moon is thought to have been a planet that, at one time, moved around the Sun. Scientists think this because of the size which is roughly the same as Mercury, a terrestrial composition, and it has a similarly substantial amount of gravity. It theoretically took an orbit around the Earth after they collided based on the attractions of their gravity, after which the Moon started orbiting around the Earth. The Moon is also similar to Mercury in that neither of these bodies maintain any atmosphere.

If you hate Al Gore, well--guess what--the same charts used in Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" are in this book: a major subsection of one of the chapters. This may be a point of either hostility or remorse for those Americans who were comforted by the anti-Gore beliefs of "the Flat World Society": apparently, some scientists think Al Gore actually has facts within his determinations. This book also states the reasons for these conclusions and relates them to a runaway greenhouse effect. If anyone needs an explanation of why people should be concerned, this is as pedestrian as it comes.

Although Venus is thought to be Earth's sister planet, there is nothing there to comfort any human. It has clouds of battery acid! Until 2006, no one could even see through its thick atmosphere due to an extreme greenhouse effect, and in the past only a form of radio technology could view the planet only slightly. In 2006, the European Space Agency (ESA) landed an unmanned spacecraft there to take pictures and send back data about the surface. The "Venus Express" lander, a specially-made craft designed to withstand Venus' harsh atmosphere, lasted for only about an hour on the surface, then corroded into uselessness and dissolved from the extremities of the atmosphere there. You see, there is no water or oxygen on Venus: the extreme greenhouse effect would've caused its oceans to evaporate into space. The atmosphere on Venus is so thick, the pressure at its surface translates to the pressure of one mile beneath the surface of one of Earth's oceans. This book refers to Venus' surface as resembling "a traditional view of hell" (144).

More importantly, although Mercury orbits the Sun at half the distance as Venus, Mercury's surface temperatures are substantially lower than Venus'. This sounds counter intuitive, and it is. But, the reason for it is the extreme greenhouse effect on Venus. And so, although Venus is twice as far from the Sun, it is MUCH hotter there than on Mercury! While Mercury's temperature goes back-and-forth between 700 kelvins (K) in the day and 100 K at night, Venus has a constant average temperature of 740 K (880-degrees Fahrenheit) all the time!

All this information is located within this book. The writing all seems very well put. The glossary has all the terms located in the chapter questions sections, so students should have an easy time finding anything. The chapter information, as it is introduced, is labeled nicely in easy-to-read bold upon its introduction, so eyes can quickly move right to the place where to find that information. The index is large and covers anything I would want to know. It has beautiful photos, images, and tables, in color of course. Many of these shots are brand-new images from off-earth, satellite telescopes and unmanned space vehicles. Of course, I have some doubt about the context of a few of the pictures, but there's surely nothing missing that NASA or other space agencies have allowed to be released: the book is up-to-date.

The book comes with interactive things like on-line supplements and a CD-Rom. The CD-Rom contains a program allowing a student to view any known place from any other known place through a telescope: one can look at Earth from the Moon for instance, and receive technical information about it. You can copy the CD-Rom onto another blank CD or put it on a hard drive for free. The book's included on-line supplemental course features are interactive and reiterate the book's material.

I have not opened the envelope containing the on-line password for fear of reducing the sell-back cost at my college--once a student has opened the envelope containing the on-line pass code key, the envelope cannot be sold back, can only be used once. I regret not having used it, because the Pearson, Addison-Wesley website was extremely helpful in one other course in which I used its on-line supplements. I can only imagine how beautiful the on-line astronomical images are. I would steal the images and put them on my computer desktop, or make a screen saver with them. Maybe I'll open it now, anyway, even though I'm nearly through the course.

If you purchase this text book here at Amazon, make sure you also receive the envelope, because it is worth around thirty or forty dollars. Students can buy the code at the web site without the envelope, but know that the envelope is part of the text book and should come with it unless the seller provides product information stating otherwise. I once had someone sell me a text for college algebra on Amazon with a price about thirty dollars less than Amazon's price. When I received the algebra text, it didn't have the envelope with it! The text was also used-but-wrapped-in-plastic, even though that product description stated the book was new! It may have come to me in plastic, but it wasn't new! Because the envelope containing the on-line code was missing, I peered closely at the book itself and confirmed that the book was USED, because of dirty palm prints on the book. I called the seller and sent it back at the seller's cost with the included mail-return sticker. I don't like people selling me something under false pretenses! Make sure the envelope is in the wrapper; otherwise, you're giving away thirty or forty bucks. Make sure also that the CD-Rom is in there, too.

See all 338 customer reviews...

The Cosmic Perspective (7th Edition), by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit PDF
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* Ebook Download The Cosmic Perspective (7th Edition), by Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit Doc
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Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

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Along These Lines: Writing Paragraphs and Essays, Books a la Carte Plus MyWritingLab with eText -- Access Card Package (6th Edition), by J

In Along These Lines, authors John Sheridan Biays and Carol Wershoven prepare students for the writing expectations of future courses by providing thorough, step-by-step instruction for key topics: the writing process, grammar, and research.  The authors’ conversational tone and variety of writing activities, such as peer review and collaborative exercises, make Along These Lines upbeat and interesting for students as they hone their writing skills.

  • Sales Rank: #2163089 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Longman
  • Published on: 2012-07-20
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.80" h x 1.00" w x 8.40" l, 2.85 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 674 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Best How To Write Essay Book Available
By G. Jordan
I am a writer with a disability that pokes holes in my memory just when I need most to retrieve vital information, so I needed a totally complete book on essay writing to look up the types of essays I want to use for my freelance essay writing efforts, and had considered taking a class or workshop, but knew I'd only forget the best parts, later. So, I spent days searching here in the novelist, journalist and writer's subject areas for a thorough "How To" book on writing essays that covered ALL of the rhetorical forms for structuring essays. A few books focused on only one type of essay or were only 100 pages of highlights featuring at most, one or two essay types.
Luckily I thought to check the textbook area on Amazon.com. These books aren't just for "kids". Now I have added the textbook area to my favorites list. :-)
"Along These Lines: Writing Paragraphs and Essays, Third Edition
by John Sheridan Biays and Carol Wershoven" would get 10 stars if possible. The book is 640 pages. The first 396 pages are devoted to essay writing instructions, idea generating lessons, very clear examples (through out), free flow and journal writing, simple and challenging exercises, countless writing prompts, indepth paragraph structure, writing from reading, and tear-out peer review critique pages in each section with fun word quizzes, individual & class tests. I have the Annotated Instructor's (3rd) Edition, containing the answers, a benefit for writers who want to test their knowledge for each chapter, before moving to the next one. The rest of the book's pages extensively cover grammar and punctuation as used in writing sentences, paragraphs and essays. "Along These Lines" is extensively indexed also.
"Along These Lines" contains dozens of beautiful full color photographs (every picture tells a story) and side-bars, with plenty of white space on the pages and margins, that makes the text a pleasure to look through and read. "Along These Lines" is perfect for writers who want a refresher course on essay writing and grammar; writers who enjoy word puzzles, word & vocabulary quizzes and self-testing; any one who writes or wants to be a writer, whether just for fun or a professional, student, journalist or amateur, and wants a course or workshop in Creative Writing, an English refresher class, english-as-second-language practice, or upper level high school or college students.
If the price is a problem, there are great alternative sources on Amazon, for used and like-new quality texts at a quarter of the price. My copy came from Amazon Marketplace seller. Now I'm on to edit my wishlist, and remove all the so-so essay writing books that aren't even a third as complete or thorough as "Along These Lines", though they cost about the same price (or more) than I paid for this book. "Along These Lines" is the ONLY Essay Writing book you or I will ever need.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A Useful Textbook
By Natarielle Powell
This textbook is a very good tool for upper level Learning Support courses. The information and exercises not only cover grammar, but also different types of essays and basic essay structure. It would be most helpful for a student who will be testing out of a Learning Support course and signing up for one or two more English courses. This edition will more than adequately prepare the student for the next class.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great for Refreshening Skills
By E. Begody
With the emphasis on standards and benchmarks, I know high school teachers of public schools have a lot of trouble getting grammar squeezed into the small slip of time that is often given for it. This is a great text that combines writing, grammar, and writing samples. A workbook, it presents writing and grammar in a friendly formatted formula that seems to work. It starts off with prewriting, planning, refining, and the publishing stage of writing while modeling every step of the way. The initial writing exercises are only paragraphs, but students write all the expository and persuasive modes. The grammar follows a format too in a very friendly format.

My college uses this text in a 100-level course before the 101 writing course. This will be my first semester to see if this text helps my ELLs in 101.

I highly recommend the text. I wish it were more affordable, but I noticed that Amazon offers it for a lower rate than my college bookstore.

See all 45 customer reviews...

Along These Lines: Writing Paragraphs and Essays, Books a la Carte Plus MyWritingLab with eText -- Access Card Package (6th Edition), by J PDF
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~~ Ebook Free Along These Lines: Writing Paragraphs and Essays, Books a la Carte Plus MyWritingLab with eText -- Access Card Package (6th Edition), by J Doc

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

^ Get Free Ebook Technical Communication: Process and Product (8th Edition), by Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson

Get Free Ebook Technical Communication: Process and Product (8th Edition), by Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson

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Technical Communication: Process and Product (8th Edition), by Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson

Technical Communication: Process and Product (8th Edition), by Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson

Technical Communication: Process and Product (8th Edition), by Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson

Get Free Ebook Technical Communication: Process and Product (8th Edition), by Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson

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Technical Communication: Process and Product (8th Edition), by Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson

Technical Communication: Process and Product, 8e by Sharon J. Gerson and Steven M. Gerson, provides a proven, complete methodology that emphasizes the writing process and shows how it applies to both oral and written communication. With an emphasis on real people and their technical communication, it provides complete coverage of communication channels, ethics, and technological advances. This edition includes information on dispersed teams, collaboration tools, listening skills, and social networking. Using before/after documents, authentic writing samples and skill-building assignments, the book provides a balance of how-to instruction with real-world modeling to address the needs of an evolving workplace.

  • Sales Rank: #47338 in Books
  • Brand: Gerson
  • Published on: 2013-01-19
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.90" h x .90" w x 7.90" l, 2.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 624 pages

About the Author

Sharon J. Gerson and Steven M. Gerson are dedicated career professionals who have a combined total of over 80 years teaching experience at the college and university level. They have taught technical writing, business writing, professional writing, and technical communication to thousands of students, attended and presented at dozens of conferences, written numerous articles, and published several textbooks, including The Red Bridge Reader (third edition, co-authored by Kin Norman), Writing That Works: A Teacher’s Guide to Technical Writing (second edition), Workplace Communication:  Process and Product (first edition), and Workplace Writing: Planning, Packaging, and Perfecting Communication (first edition).  


In addition to their academic work, Sharon and Steve are involved in business and industry through their business, Steve Gerson Consulting. In this business, they have worked for companies such as Sprint, AlliedSignal—Honeywell, General Electric, JCPenney, Avon, the Missouri Department of Transportation, H&R Block, Mid America Regional Council, and Commerce Bank.  Their work for these businesses includes writing, editing, and proofreading many different types of technical documents, such as proposals, marketing collateral, reports, and instructions.


Steve also has presented hundreds of hands-on workshops on technical/business writing, business grammar in the workplace, oral presentations in the workplace, and business etiquette.  Over 10,000 business and governmental employees have benefited from these workshops. For the past decade, Steve has worked closely with K—12 teachers. He has presented many well-attended, interactive workshops to give teachers useful tips about technical writing in the classroom.


Both Steve and Sharon have been awarded for teaching excellence and are listed in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Steve is a Society for Technical Communication Fellow.  In 2003, Steve was named Kansas Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education.


Their wealth of experience and knowledge has been gathered for you in this eighth edition of Technical Communication: Process and Product.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Helpful and very relevant for both the class and workplace
By Brittany W.
I ordered this book for a Professional Research and Reporting course and it has been extremely helpful. In my class, we are required to compose memos, professional e-mails, letters, reports, and more. Every time I was confused or was not sure about an assignment, this book has been here to offer guidance and clarification when my instructor lacked in both. Highly recommended. It's not just another textbook you would buy and use 2 or 3 times then store on your bookshelf to collect dust. You will want to keep and use this book as a quick reference long after graduation and after you've been hired at a job.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
For novice and advanced writers
By Hebrews 11.1
I got alot out of this book and really appreciated the clear steps to create different documents. This is a keeper book because you will use it for reference along the way.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good book, bad delivery
By Kent E. Bogar
I had to get this book for my classes at school. I thought that the book was a good deal, but I would certainly not order from this seller again. The book took almost a month to show up, and my grades suffered because it took so long to get my book. I didn't even get a shipping number to see where my book was coming from or where it was.

I would be more amiable to the book if it hadn't dropped my grade a letter. Definitely not pleased.

See all 31 customer reviews...

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